Ask Dr. Deborah | How can I better manage my time?

Dear Dr. Deborah,

I need some advice. I own and run a photography company, and business has been great. Most of my clients refer me to friends and colleagues, so new customers are flying in, especially with the wedding season coming up.  However, I’m finding it difficult to get everything done during the day. I don’t think I’m ready to hire an employee, but I don’t feel I have enough time during the day to finish everything that needs to get done. Do you have any suggestions?

– Caroline, VT

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Finding Quality Content Without the Sales Edge


It’s nice to see more companies adding sections to their websites that offer helpful tips and tools instead of just trying to sell you something. It makes sense actually. The more you succeed in growing your business overall, the likely you’ll be around to buy what they have to offer. It’s all about the value add. Continue reading

Ask Dr. Deborah | Is self-employment the right career path?

Dear Dr. Deborah,

Recently I’ve been thinking about starting my own business, but I’ve heard that it requires a lot of work, and that most startup businesses fail. It’s a really big risk and I’m not sure I have what it takes. As the breadwinner of the family, we depend on the income from my full-time job to pay our bills, so I can’t really afford to take too big of a risk, but I would really love to have my own consulting company. Do you have any advice you can share?

– Miranda, TX

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